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Healthcare Research Fellowship


Targeted participants:

Healthcare professionals interested in research including physicians, pharmacists, nurses and other allied health professional.  Undergraduates are welcomed to apply as well. 

Duration: 6 months


Total number of hours: 52 hours (2 hours every week). 



1- Enhance knowledge, skills and judgment in healthcare research.

2- Elaborate on importance of research and research process including: research question formulation, literature review, writing a research proposal, data analysis, manuscript writing and publication, etc.

3- Explain the editorial role in a peer review journal. 

4- Work on a research project that will be specified during the fellowship for publication in a peer review journal. 

Fellowship outcomes:

Participants to be able to:

1- independently formulate a research question, write a research proposal, analyse data.

2- Write a manuscript

3- Present and publish the results of the work.  

4- Practice the editorial role in a peer review journal (This step will be in collaboration with the Global Journal of Medical Therapeutics). 

5- Submit the research project for publication. 

6- Finalized research project (manuscript) will be submitted to the Global Journal of Medical Therapeutics.  

Setting: online through ZOOM

Registration fees: 

Healthcare professionals: 1,499 Euro per participant

Undergraduate students: 1,099 Euro per participant

Note: registration fee is non-refundable 

Registration deadline: 1 April 2024

Registration steps: 


1- Pay the registration fees. Send the proof of payment before the registration deadline that mentioned above to:

2- Undergraduates to send a copy from the student ID. 

Bank details: 




IBAN: RO07 RNCB 0632 1695 1605 0002

Currency: EURO

Country: ROMANIA

2- Registration confirmation will be sent to you once the payment is received in the GHA bank account. 

3- Then, the Zoom link will be emailed to you. You have to register for the fellowship through the ZOOM link. Accordingly, you will receive an email from ZOOM with the course login link. 

4- If you have any queries, contact us at 

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